Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Van is Shipped

The van shipped yesterday. We had it detailed cleaned on Saturday. The AGIP right by Post cleaned it, and they did a wonderful job. I have to say that I took these pictures, along with ALOT more so that in case "something" happens to the van, I'll have "proof"!(you can see our silver ford taurus in the background in the first pic.) When the Hubby took it to Transportation to ship, the man asked him since it's a van we must have kids. The hubby said yes, and he said, well your van is so clean and no marks or anything, it doesn't even look like kids have every rode in it! I certainly take that as a compliment! And yes, the kids do ride in the van, but they know that they are to keep their space clean! So, we should get the van not too long after we get to SC, they say it's taking about 50 days. So that would be around the 18th of November....hummm our household goods are suppose to arrive in country around the 17th of November, I surely hope that this happens!

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