Today, Sunday, July 20th, the Princess awoke to being 12 years old. She had a wonderful birthday with lots of gifts, and lots of calls and e-mails from family and friends. Homemade waffles were fixed for breakfast along with fresh strawberries, maple sausages and orange juice. Of course the Princess had a candle in her waffle! We then got dressed and went to Church. After church we went to eat at one of the Princess's favorite Chinese Restaurants. The meal was very heavenly! We then came home and opened presents. She received a lot of nice gifts from family: money, cards, a necklace from Grandparents(which is shown in the above picture), Clemson flip-flops, Facing the Giants movie(a must see if you have never seen it, a very good outreach Christian movie), a new watch, and from Mom and Dad an IPod! Yes, an IPod, she was very shocked and had no clue. Her MP3 player has seen better days, so it was time to replace it, the glass was broken on it, definitely a hazard. So she got a blue IPod from Mom and Dad. After gifts it was time for cake, icecream cake. Of course it came from the Commissary, but it was very good. Cake was eaten, and then it was time for just hanging out on the rest of this very nice, beautiful, blessed Sunday. Next year........13.......I think I'll have a heart-attack when that happens!
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