This weekend Hubby and I went to Garmisch with about 20 other couples on a Marriage Retreat that our Chapel sponsored. We had a wonderful weekend. It was definitely a Marriage Retreat......even though they offered free childcare, we left the kids with one of my very good friends here. They had a fun time with her and her husband and their cute little 10 month old daughter.
We had our marraige seminar on Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night, and Sunday morning. On Saturday we had most of the day, from 12-7 free. So Hubby and I went Hiking up to the Reebsiee. Here you can see an old Bobsled run that they used back along long time ago when Garmisch,Germany held the winter Olympics. They have pictures up showing how they made big ice blocks from the frozen lake and then hauled them and used them to help make the walls of the track. The lake was also used for some of the Olympic Games.
After hiking up to Reebsiee, we stopped at the GaustHaus there and had Kuchen(cake) by the lake. It was the best Kase-Sohn(cheesecake, and not how you think of cheesecake, it was literally cheese cake) and then Erdbereen Kuchen(strawberry cake). And of course we can't forget that we had to big mugs of Kaffee! It was so wonderful!
Then we preceeded on our Hike back to our Resort. It was a nice day being with the Hubby and filling up our lungs with the nice German Mountain Air. Boy we sure do miss Germany! Italy is nothing like Germany to us. Maybe it has to be that we lived in Germany for 4 years!
Here are a few pics. from our Marriage Retreat weekend. This first picture is of wild currants that were growing on the side of our hiking path, they were so pretty and sooo red.

This next picture is a picture of one of the mountains and the lake reflecting the clouds, so beautiful.

This last picture is of two of three sheep that we hiked by on our way up the mountain, they posed for the camera, they probably thought that we had food to give them!

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