"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Cleaning,Cleaning Over the Deep Blue Sea
This makes move number 13 for us in 14 years of being in the Military, you would think that it gets easier.......but it doesn't! OK all of my friends that are also in the Military and have moved countless times, any tips!???
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sleeping-In, Great Attitudes....Gotta Love Homeschooling
The Bookworm didn't wake up until.......humm........lets see, 11:00! I really wasn't planning on starting school with him today, but he asked if we could start. So I said sure, why not. So we started at 12:00 and were done by 2:30!!!He is in 4th grade this year and I am teaching him the Traditional Parent way, no DVDs with him. I asked him if he would like to use the DVDs and he said NO, he likes me teaching him. And he(along with the Princess)knows that Mom cuts NO slack too! Penmanship is not the Bookworms favorite by all means! He is more of a Math freak......he is really good at doing numbers in his head, and reading has always been a love of his. He definately gets reading from me and not his Dad! The Princess really loves Math but is a real History buff just like her Dad!
So what a wonderful, first day of Homeschooling.........I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Princess will be in 7th grade this year and the Bookworm will be in 4th. The Princess has been telling the Bookworm all about 4th grade because I Homeschooled her 4th so she knows the curriculum and knows what her brother is in for!!! He of course does not care and can't wait for Mom to be his teacher again. As he says.......Homeschool me FOREVER!
The Princess will be using DVD's this year and is very excited about it. I think that it will give her more variety than just Mom schooling her at the table the whole time! Yes, I will still be teaching her, but most of her schooling will come from her teachers on DVD.
We have used Abeka Christian Academy in the past and are once again using it again. I love the fact that they are Accredited and that the kids are part of a Christian Homeschool Academy, plus they keep all records of the kids grades and also send report cards. Nice!
So....we may begin schooling on Thursday....we'll see!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Back from Camping @ Camp Darby...Pisa,Italy

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Marriage Retreat

This next picture is a picture of one of the mountains and the lake reflecting the clouds, so beautiful.

This last picture is of two of three sheep that we hiked by on our way up the mountain, they posed for the camera, they probably thought that we had food to give them!

Monday, August 18, 2008
We Got-em
After 5 1/2 years of living over Seas, we are finally moving back to AMERICA! Can't wait, come on November!
Of course with getting the Orders comes the fun part of travel arrangements to make, and this time we have 3 pets to accomodate for! Then we have the transportation aspect, you know, the movers coming and packing everything up! Oh fun......Hubby is just dying inside I know, thinking about how much weight we are probably going to be OVER, I know for a fact that we aren't way UNDER! Next we have the shipping of the van and oh yeah, we have two cars, so we will be shipping Hubby's car back ourselves. NO WAY are we leaving it here and selling it, it's paid off and has very low mileage. It's funny to think that when we moved to Germany 5 1/2 years ago, it was brand new! We found a place that ships in Germany, they pick it up in Garmisch and then ship it to the States and it's very affordable too. Plus they ship right into Charleston,SC.
So look out Finance Captain Career Course................here we come!
Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Lazy Sunday
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
World Wind Wednesday
Long day, still no orders, RFO, but no orders! I'm not worried, we'll leave when we're suppose to. What will getting angry or being upset do about it? NOTHING! It'll all work out in God's timing.
Monday, August 4, 2008

For Today Monday, August 4, 2008
Outside my window........the sun is setting.
I am thinking.......that it is time for a hot bath.
I am thankful for.......a wonderful day today with Christian friends.
From the kitchen.........there is salsbury steak, rice, corn and broccoli for dinner.
I am wearing.......blue and white capris with a white shirt and brown sandals.
I am going......to get off of the computer when I am done with this post.
I am reading.......nothing right now, need to find a new book to read!
I am hoping that tomorrow is not a hot day!
I am hearing..........my HighSchool Sweetheart and the Bookworm playing football on the X-box together.
Around the house......I see a very clean house!
One of my favorite things........is sitting on the front porch with Hubby and drinking coffee after dinner.
A few plans for the rest of the week......to spend some time with the Bookworm while the Princess is at another week of Summer Camp.
A picture thought I'm sharing.........
That it will be FALL soon!
I enjoy reading the simple woman's blog, you can too, http://thesimplewoman.blogspot.com/
Spiritual Gifts
I know that the Lord has given me the Spiritual Gifts of hospitality, teaching and discernment. Yeah, I know, discernment.........but I haven't always had it........it just happened within the past couple of years. It was a surprise to me too. You may ask what discernment is. Discernment is being able to see what is not obvious to the average mind. Or the ability to make good judgement.
Hospitality, I knew that I had. It was very obvious to me. I love to do for others. Helping where ever needed and having people over to our home, fixing a meal for someone, or watching someones kids, etc. the list can go on and on. I think that I get my hospitality from my Granny that passed away this past December. I don't think that any of us in my family realized that my Granny's Spiritual Gift from God was Hospitality until she was gone. We were all just use to her doing for all of us and everyone, but not until her funeral was it clear that that was her Spiritual Gift. Listening to everyone talk about her and all that she did for them, she touched so many people through her hospitality. She never met a stranger and would cook for everyone just because she wanted to, it was her way of showing people that she cared for them. I certainly do miss her, but I know that I will see her again one day in Heaven.
Teaching, this is another Spiritual Gift. I find it very easy to teach. Be it other women or children. I love to share the word of the Lord with anyone who will listen. It's a real blessing to share God's word and then see that light bulb turn on in a child's eye, or to see that one lady accept Christ or see a lady pray for the first time in Bible Study that has never prayed outloud before. God uses us to teach His word and through us He reaches other people.
So, back to my original question........what have you been doing for the Lord lately?"Let the peace of Chirst rule in your hearts." Colossians 3:15
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Next we went to the Fiume Adige(Adige River). We stood on the bridge and looked at the castle up on the hill. We tried to take a picture of ourselves with the castle in the background! I want post it, but here is a picture of the castle with the river running in front.
We found Romeo's house next, it wasn't that thrilling to see, just a house that now houses a restaurant. We walked through the market on the way back towards the Arena. We actually caught the bus back to the train station instead of walking the 2 miles back...thanks Hubby!So, I can now say that I have been to Verona. It was a nice day with HighSchool Sweetheart.