Friday was the Bookworm's 13th Birthday. It's hard to believe that 13 years ago he was just a little guy weighing only 7 pounds and deciding to coming into the world a whole month early. He was born at 2:34 pm on December 16th. It just so happened that on Friday they only had a half day at School, so he was home at the time that he was born, I was able to run into his room at 2:34 pm and cover him with hugs and kisses! He has grown into a wonderful young man, he loves the Lord and has a huge heart. He has gone from playing with toys to playing video games, riding his bike and wrestling on the School Wrestling Team. His favorite food that he can't live without is peanut butter! This is consummed by him on a daily basis! So glad that he doesn't have a nut allergy or we would surely be up a creek without a paddle! We celebrated his birthday with going to eat at his favorite Restaurant. Poppy and Nana came up and spend the afternoon with us, it was nice. After dinner he wanted to open gifts. He got many things but his favorite was the new bike from the Major and I, second best was the money that he received from others. Give a teen money and they are happy, they would rather have money than anything else! Cake and icecream followed opening gifts. His request for his birthday cake was my Granny's chocolate cake recipe. This is the cake that he requests every year and I enjoy making it for him. It's not a hard cake to make and it turns out really well and is quite yummy. Hard to believe that we now have two teens. I must say that I am enjoying this season of life.
Saturday was a very early morning. The Bookworm had to be up at 5 am and at the School by 6 am to leave for an all day Wrestling Tournament. Then, the Princess had to be up at 6 am and out the house by 7:30 in order to be at her High School to work the High School Wrestling Tournament all day. She has to get so ten volunteer hours for her Sports Medicine Class, so the Wrestling Tournament was the perfect opportunity for her to get all of her hours. After she left the house, I left the house to drive 45 minutes to the Bookworm's Tournament. I was very anxious and nervous to see him wrestle, this would be his first match! He did very well both times that he wrestled at the Tournament. The first match he made it all the way through till only 1 second was left in the 3rd period! I was so proud of him, he did awesome! The second match he lasted all the way to the 3rd period as well. Needless to say he was very sore yesterday when he woke up to get ready for Church. I kept tylenol and motrin in him all day! I am so proud of him wanting to venture out and try a new sport this year, I never would have imagined that he would have been interested in wrestling.
Yesterday was Sunday and it was a day that I was looking forward to. Not only was it Church, but I officially deemed it the start of the kids' Christmas Break! We all three deserve a long break after the past two weeks that we have had. We have had something going on every night for the past two weeks and on some days and nights we have had two or three things going on! It's been crazy! We started the Break with going to the Nutcracker yesterday afternoon. The kids have never seen the Nutcracker so I was excited to be taking them. We had a most wonderful time and the kids really enjoyed it. Afterwards we swung by the Blockbuster kiosk and rented the last Harry Potter(the kids had seen it this Summer, but I hadn't seen it yet) and went home got in our pjs, wrapped in blankets and watched the movie. It was a nice way to end our day.
With all that's been going on here with us, the Major has been under the weather where he is. He has been sick all week. It all started with him getting a fever almost reaching 104. He went to the Doctor and he was severely dehydrated, so they gave him fluids, medicine and put him on quarters. He sounded terrible on the phone whenever I talked to him. With him not improving that much, he went back to the Doctor yesterday and they put him on an antibiotic. He said he is feeling alittle better. I know it's no fun being sick when you are away from home. Despite the Deployment, we are all four doing well and taking one day at a time. We miss having the Major at home with us, especially during this time of the year, but we carry on and keep the traditions going and whenever the cell phone rings we jump and we're eager to see if it's him calling.
So it's Monday morning here at the Cottage and as I sit here on my laptop typing this, the dogs are cuddled by me and the two teens in the Cottage are still in bed sleeping in, something they haven't been able to do in a long time!
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