Sunday, January 9, 2011


Friday was an exciting and special time for our family. The Captain was promoted to Major, he pinned on his gold oak leaf. (I will now call him the Major on my Blog) The Princess and I put on his Major shoulder boards and the Bookworm pinned the gold oak leaf on the Major's hat.

I was very proud of the Major and held tears until he got choked up. I think back of all of the things that we have been through in our 16 years of marriage and all I can say is that I love him with all of my heart. I would have to say that some of our best years were when the kids were born, and the year that we moved to Europe to now.Not only is he my husband, but he is my best friend. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

After the promotion, we had a reception in which we hired caterers. It was nice that the Major and I did not have to worry about fixing food and getting a cake and drinks, etc. It was nice to be able to show up after the promotion and it was all done!

The day was shared by family and friends, our pastor was even a part of the Ceremony, it was nice to have our Pastor and not some Chaplain that we didn't even know. God was definately honored and given the glory on Friday. If those that attended the Promotion could not see that God is first and foremost in our family's life, then they must have been asleep!

Praising God for HIS greatness and the life in which we have been given.

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