Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today was registration for the coming up school year for both the Princess and the Bookworm. Yes, both of them had registration on the same day, plus throw in a Doctor's appt. that I had and it made for one busy day!

So this morning the Bookworm registered for 6th Grade, yes, he will be in Middle School this year, my little boy is now in Middle School, I know that he will do well, he is one smart kid and he is excited about being in Band too! He scored 10 out of 10 on the test that the Band Teacher gave, he hopes to play the trombone, and then move to the tuba. But those that know us already know that!

The Princess registered for 9th grade at the High School, and yes, I can't believe that my first born is going to be in 9th grade, a freshman in High School! She was excited about seeing her schedule but suddenly saddened when we noticed that Band was not on it, so we took care of the situation and now she is a happy camper, Band and all! For her school actually starts on Monday with Band Camp. For those of us that were in Band, don't you remember Summer and having Band Camp for the two weeks before school started!? Yes, her two weeks before school starts will be long days from 1-9 of playing, practicing and marching! She's ready for it!

So in less than 3 weeks a new School year will be starting for us, along with Friday night Football Games and Fall Soccer for the Bookworm. You may say we'll be busy, but I say, bring it on, that's how life is suppose to be and the Hubby and I are enjoying every step that our kids make and we're there for them cheering them on!

And like we're there for our children, so is Christ there for us. He's there for us everyday and every minute of our day! Be a blessing to someone today:)

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