Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wrestling a Fall, Another Episode and Mom is Down:Not a Normal Week at The Cottage

This week at the Cottage has been far from normal, if there is such a thing as normal! I have found myself repeating Psalms 34:1 lots of times this past week. This is a verse in which I leaned and clinged to many many years ago when I struggled with anxiety and stress. "I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth." This held true this week as our week unfolded starting on Tuesday....

Tuesday started with the kids going to school and Mom going to the Doctor for a follow-up about my severe allergic reactions that I have been having. If I haven't mentioned it before, blood testing(I had 11viles of blood taken) showed that I am severely allergic to TURKEY and I am also severely allergic to CARAMEL COLOR. Yep, this came as a shock to me! Do you know what all has caramel coloring in it!!! Yogurt, ham, beef broth, most soft drinks, just to name a few! So, what is a girl to do!?! I have to read the labels on everything! But I must admit that I have been looking at the labels so much lately that it is now second nature! So my appointment turned into more than just a follow-up. I showed my Doctor a place on my left leg that was red and very tender to touch and she immediately said that I had a severe bacterial infection, yep, she said that if I get a fever or it gets worse that she will have to put me in the Hospital on intravenous antibiotics, but for now she said that she will put me on a very strong oral antibiotic and to come back next week and if it's still the same she will admit me!! Ummm, this can't happen, the Major is deployed and I have two teens to take care of!! Praying that it gets better because this Mom doesn't have time for the Hospital!!

Our Tuesday wasn't over yet....the Bookworm came home from wrestling practice and what appeared on him....the cuts from a terrible fall from running where the pavement definately won! So we have been nursing two really scraped and cut knees, one palm with a deep wound, the other hand with knuckles all cut and one left shoulder that is really really cut and messed up down to the meat! Yep, the Bookworm has been wrestling a fall, and how did it happen....they were running for wrestling practice and a team mate that was running behind him stepped on something that went in his foot and it made him fall into the back of the Bookworm making him fall on the pavement! Ouch!! Praising God that with our doctoring it is getting better everyday.

Tuesday also held a wrestling match, as well as Wednesday night. Thursday was a nice day because we all three got to sleep in a little longer than usual. The Bookworm had Wrestling practice and the Princess had an appointment with her Cardiologist, an appointment that we were ready to go to because of the episodes that the Princess had been having. Her appointment turned out well, her heart is healthy and well! So this confirms that she suffers from atypical migraines which can cause all of the symptoms that she has at least once a month which are nausea, headache, paleness and temporary loss of sight. After her appointment we had errands to run and a casual wear outfit to buy for her School Pagent that she is going to be in. What better place to shop than Belk right? So we're in Belk and we finally found something that she liked, we are getting ready to walk out of the dressing room and she says that she doesn't feel well, that she feels sick and her head was starting to hurt. She knew that she was starting to have an episode, we both knew what was next, she would feel real light headed  and have a temporary loss of sight. Needless to say, it happened, there we were in Belk and I had to literally drag/tote my daughter out of the store! Once out the store doors to the outside the cool air hit her and she didn't feel hot anymore, but she was very cool to the touch and very pale. I sat her down on the curb with her nearly falling back on her head, finally she was able to sit up and put her head between her knees. I ran to get the van and put her in and high tailed it home! Once we got home she immediately got in the bed to sleep it off. After a few hours she woke up and was very exhausted and fatigued from the episode. Next week there will be another visit to her Doctor to change her medication because the preventative that she is on isn't preventing anything! I had never been in such a state of shakiness and scared and nervousness in all my life, I felt helpless!

Thursday night, although it was one in the morning for the Major, he skyped me and it was the first time that I broke down crying. Sometimes you can't help but show how you feel on the inside. His words of comfort and encouragement helped. Almost two months gone of this deployment and 7 more to go!

Moral to my quite interesting and unusual week here at the Cottage: Military wives usually go with the flow, don't ever spend the extra time or energy wondering what:when:where or how: they just do it, they're use to being alone for months on end, that no matter how hard it is they keep going because they have to and they keep the Faith, they learn not to sweat the small stuff, to be a listener:an encourager and remind theirself that they are strong, and they pray pray pray!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Love you friend, and lifting you in prayer often!