Self means a person's character, their nature, personl interest. Self-Absorbed people are people that are draining to the other people in their life and to those that are around them. Self-centered is someone that is engrossed in their ownself and their own affairs. All three describe a person who only thinks of themselves. This person also constantly reminds others about "their" good qualities and "your" bad qualities! Yeah, they do things primarily for themselves. Did I hit a bone? Do you know anyone like that? Are you like that?
First of all, if you are a self-absorbed, self-centered and selfish person I'm praying for you. And if you know of someone like this, than I want to suggest that you pray for them. We are to put others before ourselves. We are to exemplify J-O-Y!
A person that is so caught up in themself cannot be living a life that exudes Christ and exudes Christ in all that they do. This brings me to my life verse: 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?" Our job on Earth is to spread and share the Gospel of Christ. I don't know about you, but how can you do that if you are a self-absorbed, self-centered and selfish person? I have a big heart and I find that most of my life I have given, it's natural for me to give. I would rather give than recieve, the same is for the Major, maybe the Lord saw this in him and that's why he called him to go into the Ministry.
How do we feel when we are around these types of people that only see "themself" in the world? I feel sorry for the person and then at the same time, I feel embarrassed. How can someone not notice they are so wrapped up in themself? I just feel sorry and embarrassed for them! Then I lift up a prayer that God would open up their eyes and clear the clutter in their heads!
Does this mean that we are never self-absorbed, self-centered or selfish, of course not! We all have alittle of the three of these in us, but it's our choice wether we want to unleash them and if we want to reap what we sow!
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