Monday, January 31, 2011

The Time of Our Life

Hard to believe that less than 3 weeks ago we started moving into our new home. The house is 90% done, the last 10% would be the attic and yard sale things that need to be moved over. That will probably be accomplised this coming up weekend, if it is not raining. Snow and ice didn't stop us, but rain is different....can't move things in the rain!

All of the rooms look so nice in our home. We finally hung up pictures and the piano was moved over yesterday. It looks really nice in the dining room and today I will hang pictures in that room. Yesterday was such a beautiful day and after Church we spent a few hours outside placing our gutter drain guards, moving my Granny's patio furniture to the front porch and putting up my bird house in the back yard. I love having a front and back porch, it's nice!

We had a busy but fun weekend. The Princess was in a pagent at School. She did well and was so beautiful on stage. She is one of our miracles(the other is the Bookworm) and on of our blessings(the other is the Bookworm). She and I had a wonderful time Saturday morning as we had Mom and daughter time getting her hair and make-up done. It's very important in a family to spend one on one time with your children.

This week is relatively slow looking on our family calendar. The Bookworm is excited....he found out last weekend that he can still be on the Archery Team as a 6th grader, he of course is thrilled and yesterday he was outside practicing. He starts practice with the team on Wednesday after school and he is anxious to start so that the team can qualify for the State Tournament that will be coming up soon.

We're having the time of our life being a family and living one day at a time. Am I being silly saying this, not at all. You should also be having the "time of your life". Why? Because Jesus says do not worry about the things of tomorrow. We are to live in the present. We are not to worry or stress, live in the now. This is easier said than done a lot of times, but with prayer and putting God first and all of our trust in Him, it can happen. This is the best days of your life, so have the time of your life :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Full, Busy and Unusual Week

This past week has been far from normal! The kids have had out of school since last Monday, the 10th and will not go back until tomorrow, the 18th. The last time that the kids and I have been out of the house was last Sunday! Explanation.....last Sunday night it started snowing and continued all day Monday with ice also. This was excellent for the kids since they had off from school last Monday and Tuesday anyway :) So their snow days where school was closed was Wednesday through Friday! Thus making a full week off from school. Plus today is a Holiday so everyone has off, even the Major! So today is def. the kids last day off, they will venture back to their meeting with the books tomorrow morning.

As for today, the dish guy is here hooking up our tv's and the Princess and I will be going to her MRI appt. later. Then it is back to more moving. We need to clean some over at the other house, and move somethings over here. It is hard to believe that last Saturday we started moving and we are completely done...almost! All that is left are the bathrooms, our closet and the Bookworms closet, the piano, and the attic things. The kids were a huge help moving when the Major had to go back to work last Wednesday. We moved 12 loads in the van on Wednesday, on Thursday the Princess and I moved her entire room(and she already has it all put back together), Friday was to be the day that the Bookworm and I moved him room over, but I became very sick(still sick) thus having to go to the Doctor and put on bed quarters for a few days for flu like symptoms and a lymphoid infection(boy does it hurt like crazy when I swollow and talk!) Not to mention that the Bookworm started being sick on Wednesday with vomiting and diarhea and wasn't well until yesterday! FUN week!

Hats off to my Mom with coming up yesterday and helping me move the entire kitchen over, even putting con-tac paper in the cabinets :) Love you!

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Winter Wonderland

We awoke this moring to our own winter wonderland, everything was covered in snow. So beautiful!! This afternoon it started icing, so now the snow has a layer of ice on it. As of now we still have our phone, internet, and power, hopefully it will all stay on, we havn't had any trouble with any of them yet!

We played around in the snow with the kids when they woke up and then we got busy packing up the upstairs. Snow nor ice kept us from taking advantage of the Major having a snow day! The kids cleaned out their rooms of things that they no longer wanted, and the Major and I were able to move two trailer loads over to the new house. One load of filled boxes and the second with furniture. Who says you can't move in ice and snow.....all you need is a big tarp and tie-downs!

It's starting to shape up at the new house. The upstairs is almost complete, and I venture to say that after tomorrow, it will be, along with another room too I am sure! The Major has another snow day tomorrow too! The kids already had off today and tomorrow, so we'll take advantage of our time and utilize it to move!

I am not quite sure which other room we will move tomorrow, mabe we'll start on the living room? All I know is that it is awesome moving into our own home where we have already painted and there is new carpet!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bunkering Down

The forecasters have predicted that we are in for a major Winter Storm, the Winter Storm of 2011.......

We have stocked up on food, gas in the cars, a basket full of pinecones and dry fire wood for our fireplace, candles and matches, flashlights, our coleman stove and gas, clean washed clothes and lots of blankets all in case we are slammed with a lot of ice after the snow and have no power.

Til the storm passes over......


Friday was an exciting and special time for our family. The Captain was promoted to Major, he pinned on his gold oak leaf. (I will now call him the Major on my Blog) The Princess and I put on his Major shoulder boards and the Bookworm pinned the gold oak leaf on the Major's hat.

I was very proud of the Major and held tears until he got choked up. I think back of all of the things that we have been through in our 16 years of marriage and all I can say is that I love him with all of my heart. I would have to say that some of our best years were when the kids were born, and the year that we moved to Europe to now.Not only is he my husband, but he is my best friend. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else.

After the promotion, we had a reception in which we hired caterers. It was nice that the Major and I did not have to worry about fixing food and getting a cake and drinks, etc. It was nice to be able to show up after the promotion and it was all done!

The day was shared by family and friends, our pastor was even a part of the Ceremony, it was nice to have our Pastor and not some Chaplain that we didn't even know. God was definately honored and given the glory on Friday. If those that attended the Promotion could not see that God is first and foremost in our family's life, then they must have been asleep!

Praising God for HIS greatness and the life in which we have been given.