Monday, March 23, 2009

Update on the Bookworm

The Bookworm as you know from an earlier post got injured at Baseball the other night. He awoke Thursday morning with a high temp. of 102.4. He stayed home on Thursday and on Thursday night I took him back to the UCC to see the doctor that saw him the previous night. Boy do I like Dr. Keiger! She was so nice and had the nurse on the lookout for us when we walked in so that we wouldn't have to wait! Anyway, this time they did a couple of x-rays on the Bookworm and one of them the Dr. was alittle concerned about. She said that she would talk to us when she was working again on Sunday night and let us know what the Radiologist says.

So Friday that Bookworm stays home again from school and the Nurse from the UCC calls saying that the PA that was on that day wanted to schedule a CT for the Bookworm. So we set that up for tomorrow(Tuesday). I talked to Dr. Keiger last night and she said that the xray showed that there was swelling in one particular place on his upper jaw. She said that we were going to see how he does today and if he has NO pain what-so-ever, then we will not do the CT tomorrow. He had no pain all day yesterday, I am praying that he has no pain today too. I really do not want to expose him to all of that radiation!

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for the Bookworm. And if you are wondering if he is still going to continue playing baseball, yes he is. He said of course I am! Maybe I can put him in a bubble when he is on the field so that he doesn't get hit again!

The Princess

I have to brag about the Princess on my blog today. We checked the mail when we got home yesterday from our weekend away(the kids stayed at my parents for the weekend and the Hubby took me to Charleston for my birthday), and there was a letter in the mail from the Princess's school. Usually you get something in the mail from the kids' school, what do you do, assume that it is not good! Of course that is what I did!!

Anyway, I opened it and read the long lengthy letter! I called for the Hubby and the Princess to come out where I was. The letter stated that the Princess has been chosen to be inducted into the National Junior Beta Club for her school!!!!! I don't think that I need to say how very proud we are of her, but I am going to say it anyway............I am a very proud MOM! I am just beside myself on how well she has adjusted to our move, from going to being homeschooled to public school, etc. Way to go Princess! Can't wait til the ceremony in April! I will take pictures and make sure that I post them.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


It's Spring and that means that it's time for Baseball season! The Princess is playing softball this year and the Bookworm is playing Baseball. One of them has practice just about every night of the week, The Princess even has practice on Saturdays.

Yesterday the Bookworm had practice. They practiced hitting the ball with the pitching machine and the Bookworm did very well, he adjusted to the pitching machine really quick. When it wasn't his turn batting, he covered first base. He is really good playing first, he has played first before. All was going well for the first 30 minutes of practice until the Bookworm went to catch a ball being thrown to him from third and it went "smack" right on his chin. The Bookworm's hand went right over his mouth and I thought for sure that there was going to be lots of blood and teeth everywhere when I got to the other side of the field where he was. When I got to him, there were no tears coming from him and he was still standing tall. I would have been screaming!! I checked him out and he had blood from the inside of his lip and a few of his teeth, but none of the teeth were loose, praise be to God! I grabbed his water bottle and made him rinse out his mouth and then had the Princess run to the van to get the cool gel packs that I keep in the van just "in case" something like this happens!

The Bookworm was tough and held on til the end of practice. He put the gel packs on his jaw and chin and we drove home. The swelling had already begun and so did the black and blue. When we got home we explained to Dad what had happened and decided that if he started having really bad pain in his jaw that we would take him in. We started eating dinner and the Bookworm starting complaining about the pain and that his jaw was hurting, and that when he moved his toungue in his mouth that it hurt as well. So, the Hubby put his uniform back on and took the Bookworm on Post to the UCC(urgent care center.) They left at 7 and didn't get home until 12,midnight! The doctor didn't do an xray because she didn't want to expose his whole head. She said her specialty was facial bones and she thought that he hadn't broken his jaw but told the Hubby that we need to watch him for the next 3 or so days.

So, it is almost 9 this morning and the Bookworm is still in his bunk bed sleeping. I checked on him and his face is swollen to about 2x's it's normal size. I am not waking him, he needs to rest. When he does wake-up, I plan on letting him eat if he can, put ice on his face/jaw/chin and take some more pain medicine. I thought that I would sign him in late today for school, but I think I'll let him stay home today. Who would want to go to school in pain like he is and who would want to go to school with a swollen face! So today he can stay home and get some Mama love and hugs. Tomorrow is another day, actually he has an all day field trip and I am a chaperone! Fun!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Determination&Dedication=A Better Me

I havn't blogged anything about what's been going on in my personal life, as in me and only me. Not Hubby and not the Princess and not the Bookworm, just me and not as Mom either.

Starting in January, actually 40 days ago today, I decided to clean the pantry and fridge of all junk food and ALL processed food from our home. We now eat fresh everything, and mostly organic. Back 40 days ago we also purchased the Wii Fit for our home, we already had a Wii. So I decided that I would start doing the Wii Fit for 1 hour everyday, plus walk/run around our neighborhood every night with the Hubby while we walk the dog. I set up my profile on the Wii Fit and put that I wanted to lose 30 pounds by my birthday which is March 21st. I thought yeah right, I know I want loose that much. So my venture began and everyday I did the Wii Fit, ate right, and walked/ran.

As of today I have lost 25 lbs.!!! I am very proud of myself and people have started to notice. I am not the only one that has trimmed down in the family either. The Hubby has lost too. The Princess and Bookworm have both lost also, to the point where their pants are very very baggy and loose. And let me just say that we are not dieting, we are merely just eating right and eating healthy.

So, today I did something to reward myself, I went and enjoyed the morning at the beauty salon! I am back home with a new cut to go with the beginning of a new me!