Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well, we have now been in the states for about two and half months. Seems like we have been here longer than that somedays. It's nice to be back! I can't really say that I miss Italy itself, but I can say that I miss the friends that we made and of course our Chapel Family that we had their.

You know, moving takes a lot out of you, it doesn't matter how many times you move, it's always draining! This made our 12th move! And it certainly want be our last, we'll probably end up moving 2 more times for sure. At least we will be here for 2 1/2 to 3 years. This move was the move where I have probably gotten rid of the most things! I cleaned house in Italy before we moved getting rid of lots of "stuff"! It was nice unpacking when our things arrived and all of the "stuff" was already gone! Now my next tackle job is our attic! I need to go through things that were in storage for almost 6 years! Mostly it's Christmas decorations and other seasonal things.

Our kids have adjusted so well with this move. It was alittle, a lot harder, on the Princess to move this time. She made some really close friends in Italy. It doesn't get easier as you get older either. I am sure that the next move will be just as hard when it comes around. The Bookworm, was ready to move, so it didn't bother him! Boys will be boys! We Homeschooled at the start of the school year because we thought that we were only going to be living here for 6 months, but of course we all know that that changed, which we are so happy that it did! So after getting our house and really looking at the schools that our home is zoned for, we decided to put the kids back into Public School. We figured that it would be a way for the kids to make friends, plus the kids are able to walk/ride their bikes to school(yes, it's that close to our home). So the kids started their schools 4 days after we moved into our house. The Princess came home after the first day and had instantly made friends, a good group of Band Kids! Band Kids are such good kids!! The Hubby and I were Band Kids! The Bookworm, well, it took him a few days to make friends,as it always does, he is very cautious about who he hangs out with. But needless to say, he now has lots of friends and lots of neighborhood boys that he plays with as well. So they have only been in school for about 4 full weeks, they got put in when the schools were half-way through their second quarter. They got their report cards on Friday. The Hubby and I had already decided that if they brought home a "C" that it would be OK this time because they were getting adjusted, etc. Yes, a "C" in our home is an "F" to us, especially to the Hubby, because we know what our kids are capable of, especially after Homeschooling for several years! Anyway, the Bookworm got all A's and 1 B on his report card! And the Princess got 3 A'S and 3 B's on hers! We were so proud of them! Needless to say we knew that they were smart kids and were capable of getting the Honor Roll. Even under the pressure of moving from one country to another, moving into a new home, going back to "real" school and all of the other things that have gone on during our move, they managed to adjust.

So when we as adults think that we are the only ones that have all the adjusting to do, think about your kids, it's a lot harder on them most of the time than it is on us.

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