Monday, February 9, 2009

Hunting for Quail

The last two weekends have been kind of interesting and fun for us. We have been able to spend quality time with each kid alone. This was really rare for us in Europe, in fact, it NEVER happened unless one of the kids were staying at a friend's house for the night. As many of you know we live only aobut an hour and a half from my parents and the kids absolutely enjoy going to their house, as do the Hubby and I. My parents live in the country and the kids have their own clubhouse/treehouse that looks like a miniature beach house, plus for Christmas my parents got them their own four wheelers.......what kid wouldn't enjoy that! Oh yeah, plus my Dad has beagles that he raises and uses to hunt deer, so the kids love getting the dogs out and playing with them, especially the puppies! And one has caught both of their hearts, a little white beagle that they named Comet. I have to admit that he is pretty cute and if we didn't have a dog already, we would probably still him from my Dad!

Anyway...back to the Blog. So last weekend, the Bookworm got to spend the entire weekend with Nana and Poppy. He was not feeling to well last weekend, but Nana and Poppy said come on to their house, he could feel sick there just the same as here! Even though he wasn't feeling to good, he still had a great time. They went Quail hunting and boy did he love it! He told me yesterday that he would rather quail hunt than any other kind of hunting! He carried his own gun and he actually shot 3 quail all by himself! My Grandaddy would have loved to have seen the Bookworm hunting quail.

So while the Bookworm spent time at Nana and Poppy's we spent some one on one quality time with the Princess. She didn't know how to act with all of the attention just on her! We took her out to lunch at California Dreaming, we took her to Pucknel Music(a Big Music store here) where we got her some music for her flute plus a toner/metrodome, andwe took her to see a movie that she had been wanting to see. She had a great time and we enjoyed time quality time with her.
I encourage everyone to take the time to take quality time with each of your children. They need that time alone with Mom and Dad. I'm not saying that we never talk to the kids by themselves or never play a game with them by themselves, we do and all the time, but sometimes it's nice just to have Big quality time alone with each of them. We have been blessed with our children. Both of them are a blessing from God.

The above pictures are of the Bookworm and his Poppy hunting for Quail and one of the Bookworm with his quail that he shot!

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