Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Another Year...

It's been awhile since I have blogged.........summer happened that's why! Well, another school year has begun. This year the Princess is the 8th grade and the Bookworm is in the 5th grade. They are both the biggest ones on each of their school campuses this year. The year has been great so far, I am praying that they both have wonderful years this year.

The Princess is still in Band this year playing her flute, she loves playing flute. She has wonderful teachers this year and she is really enjoying all of her classes. Her Algebra teacher is our Pianist at Church. The Princess tried out for the School's Girls Volleyball Team the first week of School, and she made it! We are very proud of her wanting to try something new. Her first game is tonight........GO LADY TIGERS!

The Bookworm is already getting very involved in the 5th Grade leadership at his school. He gets to School 15 minutes early every morning before all of the other students arrive and he signs in and vests-up for his position on the morning Safety Patrol. He loves being on the Safety Patrol and has been taking his job very seriously being very adamant about not being late in the mornings! The Bookworm is playing Soccer again this year. This is his 8th year playing Soccer! He started playing Soccer when he was 3 years old when we moved to Germany, wow!

The Hubby is now an Instructor of BOLC at the Army Finance School. He loves his new job. He thought that he wouldn't be able to get in front of new Lieutenants and talk, but he has found that it is very easy and enjoyable and has found that he has to have lots of candy for his throat! Funny how it is like pulling teeth to get him to talk on long trips in the van when we are going somewhere!) I guess women do have more to say than men! HA

As for me, the usual. My job never changes....the cleaing, washing, vaccuming, cooking, errands, groceries, and Mom's taxi service. But I wouldn' change it for anything in the world! I am trying to volunteer as much as I can anywhere that I may be needed, schools, church, etc. We just had one of our friends visit us that we were stationed with in Italy, it was fun to see her and spend a few days with her. For now I am getting excited about our Ladies Small Group Bible Study starting up next Monday night, we're doing the Frazzled Female by Cindi Wood, I can't wait!

As I type this it is lightly thundering and raining alittle. I love rainy days, they are absolutely my favorite kind of days. Hoping that your day is blessed and that you, like me, are thanking God for all of his many blessings that he has given to us.

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