Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hashimoto's Disease

This past week has been a very busy week, I have been in the Doctor's office every day this week. I have been sick since January and have been on almost every type of medicine. My Doctor thinking that I had bronchitis, sinus, reflux, asthma, etc. After being on many types of medication and having had a spirometry test, upper GI, and ultrasound of my thyroid the Endocronologist diagnosed me with having Hashimoto's Disease, this is a disease of the thyroid. Because the ultrasound of my thyroid showed a nodule, the Doctor wanted me to get a nuclear thyroid scan done. So after having a nuclear scan of my thyroid(which the picture above shows where the more nuke stuff was injected in me), the Doctor wasn't sure about how the nodule looked, so I will go for further blood tests this week and then on the fourteenth I will have a biopsy done on my thyroid.
Many have asked how I am staying so calm about everything and why I am not stressed. My answer to them has been because this has been going on since January with me and I have not known what the problem or name of the problem is that I have been having. Now I have an answer and know what is wrong with me and I have a diagnosis. God answered my prayer of wanting to find out what is wrong with me, and in His time I got my answer. Now I am just keeping my faith in God and my eyes on Him. I am taking it one day at a time and whatever the outcome is on the fourteenth, we'll take it one step at a time.
God is good and even when things my hurt us or bring us down, HE is always there beside us and HE will never leave us.
So as you say your daily prayers lift up a prayer for me, and I'll also say a prayer for you :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day Three of School

Today is day 3 of a new school year. Monday was the first day, the Princess's first day of High School, 9th grade and the Bookworm's first day of Middle School, 6th grade. They both had very good first days. The Captain and I took the kids on their first day and I picked them up. Needless to say I was quite surprised when neither of them came home with a list of more things needed for school :) Although the Bookworm came home with a headache, he had a good first day :)

Day two of school was another good day. I dropped the Bookworm off at the path in our neighborhood and he walked, and then I took the Princess to school. The Bookworm walked home from school and he had a wonderful day, got his first homework assignment which is a project for Science that is due next Tuesday and he is studying for a Band test that is tomorrow(Thursday). The Princess had a full day, school from 8-3:15, and then Marching Band Practice from 4-6:30. I picked her up and we were home alittle after 7. Then it was dinner for the family and I had some forms to read and sign for the Princess from her teachers, she did some homework and then it was alittle computer time for her and then baths and bed. Tuesday was a good day!

Today is day three and I am praying that the kids have another wonderful day. The Bookworm went back to sleep after I woke him up this morning so he had 15 minutes to get up and get dressed, he'll have to eat breakfast at school. The Princess is always good about getting up when I wake her! No Marching practice for her today, so I will pick her up when school is out at 3:15, then it is home ,dinner and then Church.

For me, it feels strange in the house now that the kids are back in school! I am having to adjust and get into a new schedule which includes dropping them off at school, coming home, doing my Wii Fit, eating breakfast and then throwing a load of wash in while I tidy up alittle and do things that I need to do for my classes. Yep, that's right, I am taking 3 classes this Term, and they start on Monday, so I am trying to get ahead! So I am one busy Mama between my classes, the kids and their school work, mraching band practice and games on Fridays and Competitions on Saturdays, and the Bookworm gets his soccer schedule with games and practices next week! BUSY BUSY BUSY, but that is how we like it, and we are still able to fit family time and family dinner in as well. Can't believe that there are families that NEVER eat together or that just grab their food and eat where-ever they want to in the house, it's sad if you ask me, and what about praying over your dinner......can't stand that either when people do not pray over there dinner and thank God for their meal and for so many other blessings that HE has given to us.

If you have kids I pray that they have a wonderful and blessed year.

[Oh yeah, and don't forget that this is my blog and if you don't like or agree with some of the things that I say.......then you don't have to read it or visit my blog :) ]

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Give Alittle

What ever happened to the saying treat others as you would like to be treated? I don't think that many even know what that means. I was raised that you treat others in such a way that you would want them to treat you. Hummm.....

Life is full of so many surprises, everyday there are new ones, be it morning, noon, or night! Why is it that so many people are wrapped up with themselves? They don't even take consideration of others, it's their way or no way because to them their way is the only way! Got news for you people, you need to learn to give alittle. Life doesn't revolve around one person and their ways. Life is full of many people, with many different views and ways. And 9 times out of 10, it's full of compromising and giving alittle.

Have you ever met a person that just cares about theirself? Do they seem happy to you? I find that most people that are self-centered obviously just care about themself, but they are also grumpy, not happy, depressed, not fun to be around, and generally act happy but deep down they are not. What do you do about it? Be nice to them, talk to them, and give alittle. Yeah, give alittle, but when you have given alittle and given alittle and given alittle and you are never given alittle in return you eventually get tired of given alittle. So what do you do.....stop given alittle. Take the negative out of your path and pray. Give it to Jesus.

Here is a thought to ponder: WHO YOU ARE is more impressive than what you make, what you have, what you do, or what title you carry.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Shocking and A Good Laugh

So the Princess has Band Camp again this week, and we have been picking up a friend from Church and taking him as well and taking him. So me, the Princess and our Church/School Friend are in the van driving through the middle of our Town and we get to the only red light in town and this huge 4x4 truck pulls out in front of us then it stops in the middle of the road. I am thinking what on earth is going on, first the person pulls out in front of me, then he stops. So I honk my van horn because someone is going to get rear ended and it was probably going to be me! So I honk the van horn because traffic is coming from the opposite direction and I can't go around. What do you think the guy in the truck does? He proceeds to put his hand out of his window, put it up in the air and give me(and the two teens in my van) the middle finger. Appalled, I go around and as we are going around he does it again. Now he had another passenger that was in his car as well and it was a girl, she was obviously embarrassed by his behaviour and she had her head down. What did I do? I kept driving thinking what a creep and that obviously he needed Jesus! So the Princess and our Friend were totally shocked too! So, I kept my cool and my composure and told the two teens that it wasn't ok what the guy had done and that it was alright because Romans 12:19 says, "Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to advenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

Then the three of us were talking and we discussed that we need to make a Jesus Loves You sign and keep it in the van and when things happen like happened to us today that we would pull out our sign and throw it up against the window of the van! We all three agreed that it was an awesome idea.....then we laughed!

Monday, August 9, 2010

One Week and Summer Is Over

One week from today and School starts, in our family that means that Summer is officially over. It is hard to believe that the kids will both be moving up and entering new schools and new phases of their lives this year. The Princess will be in the 9th Grade, a freshman in High School and the Bookworm will be in the 6th Grade at Middle School. It seems like just yesterday I was taking them to their first day of 3K!

So if the kids are entering a new phase in their lives, that means that the Captain and I are entering a new phase in ours. We are not by any means complaining either! We had both of our children when we were in our early twenties, and we are so glad that we did. Now we are both thirty-five and we are still young enough to do the many things that our kids enjoy doing, we aren't old and we don't feel old! It's nice being the age that we are and having kids who are 14 and 11(soon to be 12). It's been so amazing being the Princess and the Bookworm's Mom(or Mama as they call me), I wouldn't trade being there Mama for anything else in the world! God has wonderful things instore for our children, and the Captain and I are so happy to be apart of it!

As we sit and talk about, or even think about the future, the Captain and I find ourselves saying," hey, remember when we first joined the Army, remember when we were just stationed at Fort Rucker in Alabama thinking that retirement from the Army seemed like a million years away." Well, now, those million years away are only 3 1/2 years way. It's hard to believe we are so close to the day when the Captain can retire from the Army. Where will we retire, probably exactly where we are living now, we love it here. There are so many advantages to living and staying where we are. We have a wonderful Church family, the kids have many wonderful friends, and we love the kids' schools, plus my parents are only 1 hour and 1/2 away which is really nice and the Captain and the Bookworm go hunting there, which they love. God has blessed us and we will continue to put him first in our home and our lives, because we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Something for you to think about.......when have you reflected back into your "younger" years, were there goals that you set, where are those goals now, have you fulfilled them, what's something that you've always wanted to do but never have? What are you waiting for, get up and GO!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shopping Deals and Band Camp

Monday was a fun, yet busy day in our household! The Princess started Band Camp and the Bookworm and I had several places to run once we dropped her off for Band Camp. Our run consisted of 3 different Stores, I was so excited about my savings that I had to post them! Even the Boookworms jaw dropped when he saw my savings at each Store!

First stop was CVS, and if you haven't "shopped" CVS then I encourage you to do so! CVS is my favorite store and who can go wrong when you get free "bucks" back to use on your future purchases! So here goes!

Transaction #1

1 Gilette Fusion Proglide at 9.79 Had Coupon for 4.00= 5.79

1 Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste at 1.99 Had Coupon for .75= 1.24

Used 2 CVS bucks that I had from a previous purchase

Total Cost: 5.78

Plus I got 5 CVS Bucks back!!!!

Transaction #2 at CVS3 Ragu Pasta Sauces: 3/$5.00 Had (2) .60 cents coupons

3 Skippy Peanut Butter: 3/$5.00 Had (2) .40 cents coupons

Plus 1 Jolly Rancher Fruit Chews for the Bookworm that I forgot to add to pic.: .89 cents

Used my 5 CVS Bucks that I received from my first transaction.

Total out of pocket cost: $4.00!!!!!!!!!!

Next stop on our 3 Store Tour was Kroger

Here is what we purchased:

1 Pro-Health Crest Mouthwash @ 4.79: Had a coupon for 4.00 off

1 Bounty 2 pack paper towels @ 2.99: Had a coupon for .50 cents which double to 1.00

2 Gillette Clear Gel Deoderents @ 4.59 Each: Had two coupons for 2.00 each which = 4.00

2 Downy Fabric Softeners @ 4.99 Each: Had two coupons for 1.00 each which = 2.00

Plus Kroger had a Procter and Gamble promotion going on: If you buy 4 participating items you got $4.00 off!

My total before all my coupons and the 4.00 promotion: $32.31

Total Coupons and Promotion Deal: $23.80

Total Out of Pocket: $8.51

Not only was I amazed,plus the Bookworms jaw was hanging to the floor, but the cashier was also floored and said what a great deal! I told her WOW, yes it is!

Our 3rd Store and Final Stop was Bi-L0

Bi-Lo is a great Store also and every once in awhile they will have their family Mega Meal Deal. I thought that this Mega Meal Deal was worth getting and putting in the freezer, so that I would have a ready meal to go on one of those busy nights!

The deal: Buy 1 Red Baron Frozen Pizza and 1 Red Barron Frozen Pasta and get a Mayfield Ice Cream, Mrs. Smith's Cobbler, Frozen Garlic Breadsticks and a 2 liter Coke product FREE! So here is how it went.

Red Baron Pizza $6.99: Had Coupon for 1.00 off

Red Baron Pizza $6.99: Had Coupon for 1.00 off

Mayfield Ice Cream $4.39 = FREE

Breadsticks $2.36 = FREE

Mrs. Smith's Cobbler $5.19 = FREE

Two liter Sprite $1.79 = FREE

Total Before deductions: $27.85

Coupons and FREE items: $15.73

TOTAL Out of Pocket: $12.12

I was a happy Mom with all of my purchases today because I knew that I had saved our family a TOTAL of $66.52!!! With a little couponing, looking at my sale papers and a little time I saved a bundle! I can't imagine going shopping and not having a list of exactly what I need, having fully researched the sale papers and having cut my coupons! The money I saved can go towards something else in our family.........hummm that something else is actually going to be someone else, the Princess and her $300.00 Band fees!

And speaking of Band and the Princess. She had a wonderful first day of Band Camp yesterday. When we picked her up after our Band Parent meeting she couldn't stop talking about her day and when I say day I really mean DAY, she is at Band Camp from 1-9:30 at night! She was also excited about being picked to play the piccolo, considering that she is a Freshman. Also, Mom and Dad were pretty excited when we were told that all parents were welcome to look in the band uniform room at the slightly used marching shoes and if you thought a pair would work for your child that you could take them! Well, I along with some other Moms that I knew went and looked and I found a 8 1/2 pair of marching shoes that looked brand new! Saved $30.00 right then and there! They fit the Princess and now we do not have to pay $30.00 for Marching shoes!

Got any good savings to pass along? If so, I love to know!

Monday, August 2, 2010

August is Off With A Bang

Today is the first Monday in August and for the Princess this means that start to Band Camp for the next two weeks from 1-9. At least she still gets to keep sleeping in for a few more weeks! She is looking forward to starting Band Camp today, it will be exciting when the Captain( there are several people at Church that call the Hubby Captain, so I think I'm going to start calling him that, plus, all of his Italian workers in Italy called him Captain too or Capitano) and I pick her up tonight and she tells us how her day went. Today marks the start of her High School years, boy, can't believe that our Princess is in the 9th grade, time truly does fly by and we are enjoying every moment with our two children!

The Bookworm and I are going to go and enroll him for fall Soccer today. He loves soccer, it's his favorite sport to play, besides Archery. I love to see him do both, he is very talented at both! He begins Band this's hard to believe that he is a 6th Grader in Middle School this year. He is most certainly ready for Middle School, he has matured and grown a lot over the Summer.

I thank God for the children that HE has blessed the Captain and I with!